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Group Classes


Sensory Classes! -

This class is designed for children ages 0-12 and offers a unique and exciting opportunity to explore the world through all the senses in a vibrant, engaging, and delightfully messy way. The aim is to create "yes" spaces where both children and parents can immerse themselves in a world of sensory delights.


These experiences range from the softness of cozy blankets to the intriguing textures of toys, and the squishy fun of slime and playdough, to the vibrant world of paint and beyond!

**You can choose to sign up for the amount of classes of your choosing, the dates in June will take place on Fridays 7, 14, 21 & 28th from 10:00 - 10:45am or 11:00 - 11:45am based on age group.


Registration Required HERE!




Music Together Classes! -


Young children learn through play and experimentation and by watching and listening to the grownups they love! Setting an example as an enthusiastic participator in music activities is the best thing any parent or caregiver can do to help set a child on the road to a lifelong love of music - and that's exactly what we'll do in this class!

Registration Required HERE!

* Families will be able to choose smaller packages to accommodate for busy summer schedules.

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